Thulasi (Holy Basil)

Thulasi (Holy Basil)

Regular price Rs 0.00 Sale

Pleasantly crisp, sweet and juicy, this popular apple features a beautiful bright green skin mottled with pale red. Its complex flavor is subtly tart, and is a versatile ingredient for recipes ranging from sweet to savory. As a snack, Granny Smith apples burst with juice with every bite, and they are also a delicious addition to salads, pies, sauces, and baked goods.

Best for : #snacks #salads #baking #beverages #pies #sauce


Major growing area

Dry zone


Alternatively known as the holy basil or ocimum sanctum, tulsi is a common name in most Indian households. Easy to grow and widely found in the Indian subcontinent, not only is tulsi a revered, holy plant in Hinduism; it also finds its place in the ancient science of Ayurveda.


It acts as a detoxifying, cleansing and purifying agent from within and without. Therefore it is good for skin – both when consumed and applied topically.

Tulsi is considered to be an adaptogen, balancing different processes in the body, and helpful for adapting to stress.


1/4 cup tulsi leaves
4 tsp jaggery
1 tbsp lemon juice
Combine the tulsi leaves and jaggery and blend in a mixer to a coarse mixture.
Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add 1½ cups of boiled water and lemon juice, mix well and bring to a boil.
Strain using a strainer.
Serve hot.

2 cups chilled pineapple cubes
2 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup tulsi leaves
For The Garnish
3 tsp finely chopped tulsi leaves
Combine all the ingredients in a mixer along with ¾ cup of water and blend till smooth.
Pour equal quantities of the drink into 3 individual glasses and serve chilled garnished with tulsi.

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