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Pleasantly crisp, sweet and juicy, this popular apple features a beautiful bright green skin mottled with pale red. Its complex flavor is subtly tart, and is a versatile ingredient for recipes ranging from sweet to savory. As a snack, Granny Smith apples burst with juice with every bite, and they are also a delicious addition to salads, pies, sauces, and baked goods.

Best for : #snacks #salads #baking #beverages #pies #sauce



Major growing area

Dry and intermediate


Made its way from East Africa to Asia and Southeast Asia by seafaring Arabian traders.


Mostly sour. The bold, ‘loud’ taste is explosive, not unlike sweet and sour candy. You may also experience a puckering sensation, similar to biting into a lemon. Leaves no aftertaste. The sweet variety is sold fresh to consumers.


Tamarind is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat swelling, pains, oral diseases, vomiting, burning sensations and constipation. It is a potent laxative and combats digestive issues such as gastritis and colic pain. The fruit contains many essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, thiamine, magnesium, potassium and fibre. Tamarind seeds treat impotence and seminal disease in men.


Tamarind resembles dates in its gummy, sticky appearance.
When travelling to India or the Middle East, chances are, most of the cuisines you try will have tamarind pulp concentrate as an important ingredient.Did you know it is an essential ingredient in the popular Worcester Sauce?

Although we do not recommend it, you can even ferment the tamarind pulp to make a type of alcohol.
In India, Tamarind is part of a woman’s beauty regime. The powdered seeds, when applied topically, prevent the formation of pimples. It is also used as a type of hair oil.


Tamarind’s earthy, sweet-and-sour taste makes it the ideal base for BBQ sauces. Try it at home by adding tamarind paste or concentrate with honey (or agave), soy sauce, cumin, ginger, and black pepper. Add almond or peanut butter to create a creamier dipping sauce.

To make tamarind chutney, a delicious addition to your meal, simmer the pulp with dates, ginger, sugar, and cumin.


Fat 1 g
Sodium 28 mg
Carbohydrate 63mg
Fiber 5 g
Protein 2.8g
Vitamin A 30 IU
Vitamin C 3.5 mg
Vitamin K
2.8 mcg
Thiamin 0.4 mg
Riboflavin 0.2 mg
Niacin 1.9 mg
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg
Folate 14 mcg
Calcium 74 mg
Iron 2.8mg
Magnesium 92mg
Phosphorous 113mg
Potassium 628 mg
Copper 0.1 mg
Selenium 1.3 mcg

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