Innala (Wild Baby Potato)

Innala (Wild Baby Potato)

Regular price Rs 0.00 Sale

Pleasantly crisp, sweet and juicy, this popular apple features a beautiful bright green skin mottled with pale red. Its complex flavor is subtly tart, and is a versatile ingredient for recipes ranging from sweet to savory. As a snack, Granny Smith apples burst with juice with every bite, and they are also a delicious addition to salads, pies, sauces, and baked goods.

Best for : #snacks #salads #baking #beverages #pies #sauce



Major growing area

Dry and intermediate zones




Milky taste


Use in ayurvedic medicane as a treatment for haemorhoids.

The plant is also used to treat blood in the urine as well as eye disorders.

Used to treat stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, mouth and throat infections and areused as purgative, carminatives and as antihelmintics.

Used for the treatment of abdominal pain, burns, wounds, sores, insect bites and allergies.


The plant used to be widely cultivated as a root crop in the savanah belt of Africa, though it has largely fallen out of favour there. It is still sometimes cultivated in Africa, but is much more commonly grown in southeast Asia.

It is believed to have originated in Central or East Africa, but was early spread throughout tropical Africa and into South-East Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia,where it is cultivated on a small scale.


Cut the long beans ,clean the innalla in to small dices. take a clay pot put all ingredients in to the pot and
mixed by hand. add coconut milk and bring it to boil,cook for 6 to 10 minutes,until it get cooked. stir time to time,cook in slow fire.add salt and finish the dish and diced tomato must added at last minute.

Boiled the sliced innala separately. keep a side. Heat the oil, add onion and saute, fallow with tomato and stir. saute for few minutes,add cream parmasan cheese and finish with salt and pepper. Finally add the coriander leaves on top.


Moisture 72.9-77.6
Carbohydrates 19.7-23.4 g 
Protein 1.3- 1.46 g
Total Fat 0.3-0.6 g
 Fiber 0.4-0.87 g
Minerals 0.9-1.07

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