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Pleasantly crisp, sweet and juicy, this popular apple features a beautiful bright green skin mottled with pale red. Its complex flavor is subtly tart, and is a versatile ingredient for recipes ranging from sweet to savory. As a snack, Granny Smith apples burst with juice with every bite, and they are also a delicious addition to salads, pies, sauces, and baked goods.

Best for : #snacks #salads #baking #beverages #pies #sauce


Major growing area

Intermediate zone


It is an aromatic, annual herb, 0.3-0.5 meters tall, but some cultivars can reach up to 1 m. The leaves are ovate, often puckered, flowers white or pink, and fruits have four small nutlets.




Used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for Effective against Boredom, Cancer, Convulsion Diarrhea, Epilepsy, Gout Impotency, Nausea, Sore throat Toothaches, Whooping, cough


Basil is used to flavor soups and sauces. The leaves can be eaten as raw in salad.

Basil Herbal tea, Pour a cup of boiling water to Basil leaves. Let it stand for 5 minutes and strain it.

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